Welcome to HSD Intouch Payment Portal
Please call the school office if you need help logging in.
Do not create a guest account if you have students in the Hockinson School District.
Hockinson Heights Elementary School (360) 448-6430
Hockinson Middle School (360) 448-6440
Hockinson High School (360) 448-6450
To make a purchase or pay fine/fee for your student:
Enter User Name: 5 digit student ID number, add two zeros to the front. Example: 0012345 (This is the student's lunch/library number).
Enter Password: Student's last name in all caps. Example: SMITH
If you have multiple students in the district and want to make one transaction.
Username: Same as your Skyward Family Access User Name.
Password: Please CLICK HERE to have a password sent to your Skyward email address for directions.
To make a purchase/payment for a Non-Student, Community Ed or Homeschool students:
If you do not have an account please Create an Account
If you need to reset your password, please Click Here
If you want to make a donation to HSD, any school, sport, or activity/club etc. (No username or password account needed.) Click Here